Ινστιτούτο Έρευνας Καρκίνου Κύπρου CCRI (2023)

A true interdisciplinary network of leading academic, clinical and diagnostic partners came together for the first time to establish the Cyprus Cancer Research Institute (CCRI), as a response to the pressing need for a dedicated centre of excellence in cancer research to strengthen and facilitate the important work of individuals involved in cancer research in Cyprus.

The CCRI aims to become a leading cancer research institute, spanning a wide spectrum of cancer research from investigating the molecular and cellular basis of cancer, to translational research and the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches and practices.

Εκτέλεση των ηλεκτρομηχανολογικών εγκαταστάσεων

  • Ενεργητική πυροπροστασία
  • Υποδομή θέρμανσης-κλιματισμού
  • Υδραυλικές εργασίες
  • Μηχανολογικός εξοπλισμός
  • Εργαστηριακά Δίκτυα (Ν2, CO2)
  • Κλιματισμός -εξαερισμός
  • Ύδρευση
  • Αποχέτευση
Execution of the electromechanical installations 

Fire protection
Heating-air conditioning infrastructure
Laboratory Networks (N2, CO2)
Air conditioning - ventilation
Water supply